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RV With Holes On The Sidewall


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Check out this brand new RV with open holes on the RV sidewall and an unsealed window. 

Hello everyone. It’s Jason again with It’s like the Yellow Pages for RV service providers. I’m also here with My RV Inspection, doing an RV inspection. And today I’m gonna give you your Weekly One Reason To Get An RV Inspection.

So today I’m inspecting a brand new 2023 RV and yesterday I inspected an identical 2023 RV. It’s a couple of friends that bought exactly the same RV. They both came in at the same time and they both wanted inspections so they both contacted me.

Real quick, we’re gonna flip this show you the VIN number data plate, when this thing was built. Right there, you can see it came offline in April, 2022. These two RVs have the exact same issue. They’ve got a couple of the same issues and they’ve got a good bit of issues, but I wanna show you this one because it’s just ridiculous!

Let me go up this ladder and see what I got to show you. If we look right there, that is a hole in the sidewall where the wiring for the awning is coming through. See if we can get a good look at it. There you go – no sealant! What’s that mean? Water can go right inside the wall of your RV.

Then I’m gonna show you another thing that’s real close to this. So this is the back frame of the window and you notice it’s separated from the wall by a good quarter of an inch so water can get right in behind that window sealant and cause issues.

Folks, RVs aren’t made to last forever, but you can at least get a good start. So today’s Weekly One Reason To Get An RV Inspection on a brand new 2023 RV. Two of them actually, I did the exact same one yesterday.

I’ll put the picture right here just to show you. They both have holes in the sidewall where wires come out, no sealant, this particular one also has window frames that aren’t sealed to the side of the wall with sealant. Water gets in those side walls and it’s over.

So that’s your Weekly One Reason… a brand new RV with open holes on the RV sidewall and an unsealed window.

Don’t forget about – It’s like the Yellow Pages for RV service providers. You need a certified inspector, you need a mobile technician, you need a repair shop, storage, etc. There’s all kinds of stuff on there, folks. So make sure you check it out and make sure you get your RV inspected. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, we do. Have a nice day!

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