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RV Ladder Issue – Incorrectly Installed Ladder


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Hello everyone, it’s Jason with My RV Inspection and It’s like Yellow Pages for RV service providers. Find anything you need, wherever you need it across the country. Make sure you check it out.

Today I’m coming to you with another Weekly One Reason To Get An RV Inspection I just can’t say it enough, these manufacturers aren’t building these the way they should. Today I am inspecting a brand new RV that was just purchased. We prefer to inspect before you purchase so you can get those repairs done before delivery. But these folks purchased this and saw a few things wrong inside and thought they better get an inspector out here before they take it back to the dealership so they can get everything fixed in one shot.

Serious Issue on RV ladder

Today I found a pretty serious issue on a ladder. RV ladders aren’t the greatest. After a while, they get loose and you probably should never even use one. But today on a brand new RV, we have a ladder mount that was installed upside down and can be very dangerous for anybody using that ladder.

So let’s go take a look at what I’m seeing. So this travel trailer has a mount and all the screws are on the bottom. So what that does is when you put weight on the ladder, it pulls the top part of the mount; away from the RV.

If that was mounted on top when you put weight on it the mount would push toward the RV and give it more stability. You also see that the mount is not flush with the wall, and it’s this way on both sides.

Now we’re going to walk away from it a little bit. We’re going to look at this ladder. Doing some measurements, I found that the mount on the bottom is not centered with the mount on the top. So the ladder is a little farther left on the bottom than it is on the top. Might be easier to see if I get a little closer up on this mount. See all that room is crooked.

There’s not a good fix for that because the mounts are already on the sidewalk. It’s not a good fix for any of it but this could be hazardous. If that bottom mount breaks, you fall off that ladder. You don’t have to be that high to injure yourself very badly, or it could even kill you with all from the top of this serving. I’m gonna put some pictures in here, the measurements on the mount and then I’m going to go to show you how new the RV is. So there’s the date of manufacture. It was just purchased last month so this one has sat on the dealership lot for quite a while. Just like that. And it’s dangerous. Very dangerous. Had it been caught before they left the dealership, they could have had it fixed before they walked away.

This is just one of the probably 15 things I’ve found so far and it’s only 10:00 a.m.

So make sure you’re getting your RV inspection before you purchase. This is your Weekly One Reason To Get An RV Inspection and I’m Jason with my RV inspection, the only Master-Certified RV inspection couple in Florida. We’re two of only four in the country. it’s like the Yellow Pages for RV service providers. Find yourself a certified RV inspector, a mobile tech, a repair shop, a dealership, RV storage lot, detailing, towing, transport, and all kinds of things on there. Make sure you check it out. And with that being said, have a nice day.

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